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Can I get my money back from Etihad?

Flight cancelation can be stressful for passengers as the tickets are expensiv? and you may lose the full value of th? tick?t. With Etihad Airways, you do not hav? to worry as th? airlin? is highly fl?xibl? for th? customers and you might b? ?ligibl? for a fr?? canc?lation that will let you g?t all of your mon?y back. Th? ?ligibility is d?t?rmin?d by th? airlin?'s canc?lation policy. You can r?ad ah?ad to g?t th? full d?tails.

Does Etihad have fr?? canc?llation?

Y?s, Etihad does hav? fr?? canc?lation but it d?p?nds on factors lik? th? d?partur? dat? from th? day of th? booking and th? tick?t typ?. Wh?th?r th? canc?lation will b? fr?? or not d?p?nds on th? airlin?'s policy. Th? b?st way to canc?l th? flight for fr?? is by utilizing th? 24-hour canc?lation rul?. Alt?rnativ?ly, if you hav? canc?l?d th? flight du? to s?v?r? illn?ss or d?ath of a pass?ng?r or a family m?mb?r, you can g?t a fr?? canc?lation giv?n you provid? th? docum?nt proof.

You can g?t mor? d?tails for fr?? canc?lation by going through th? d?tails b?low.

What is Etihad 24-hour Canc?llation Policy?

Th? Etihad 24-hour canc?lation policy stat?s that you can g?t a full r?fund if you canc?l th? flight within 24 hours of booking giv?n th? d?partur? dat? is 7 days away. For this rule to be applicabl?, the following conditions must be fulfilled.

  • Th? tick?t must not be a group booking.
  • You should not have purchas?d th? tick?ts using r?ward points or via gift cards or vouch?rs.
  • Th? flight must b? to and from th? US.

How do I know if my Etihad tick?t is r?fundabl??

If you n??d to know if your tick?t is r?fundabl? or not, you can coordinat? with th? custom?r s?rvic? d?partm?nt by calling th? numb?r 1877 690-0767.

If you want to d?t?rmin? th? valu? of th? r?fund and th? tim? it may tak? for you to g?t th? r?fund, you should b? awar? of th? Etihad Airways cancellation policy. Th? d?tails ar? giv?n b?low.

Etihad Airways R?fund Policy-

  • Th? r?fund policy sol?ly d?p?nds on th? far? rul? of th? tick?t.
  • Th? r?fund will b? cr?dit?d to th? original sourc? of paym?nt us?d for th? r?s?rvation.
  • You will not g?t a full r?fund if you canc?l th? flight after 24 hours of r?s?rvation. A canc?lation f?? will b? d?duct?d from th? r?fund.
  • Th? tim? it may tak? for th? r?fund to b? proc?ss?d d?p?nds on mod? of th? paym?nt us?d during th? r?s?rvation. If a credit card is used, it can take up to 7 days and for other forms of paym?nt, like bank transfer or cash, it can take a maximum of 20 days.
  • If th? airlin? canc?ls th? flight du? to op?rational, or t?chnical r?asons or w?ath?r conditions, you will g?t a full r?fund.
  • You will g?t a r?fund only for th? unus?d portion of th? tick?t if you canc?l a partially us?d tick?t.

Onc? you ar? awar? of th? canc?lation and r?fund policy, you may want to know about th? proc?ss. Th? d?tails ar? giv?n b?low.

Th? proc?ss to canc?l Etihad Airways flight-

You n??d to acc?ss th? hom?pag? ?

  • Th?n, you hav? to s?l?ct th? Manag? tab.
  • You should ?nt?r th? tick?t numb?r and th? last nam? of th? pass?ng?r, then click ?Find my booking.?
  • S?l?ct th? booking that has to b? canc?l?d from th? list.
  • S?l?ct th? tab canc?l flight.

Th? flight will b? canc?l?d and an ?mail will b? s?nt to you with th? d?tails of your r?fund.

If you are stuck at any st?p or r?quir? ?xtra support you can us? another m?thod from th? list b?low.

Via tick?t count?rs-

You must sp?ak with a custom?r s?rvic? ag?nt at th? tick?t count?rs. You n??d to provid? th? booking d?tails and th? r?pr?s?ntativ? will canc?l th? flight for you and inform you about th? r?fund.

Via th? phon? numb?r-

  • You n??d to dial th? numb?r 1877 690-0767 and follow th? IVR instructions b?low.
  • Initially, choose your preferred languag? by following th? m?nu.
    • For English, pr?ss 1.
    • For Spanish, pr?ss 2.
    • For Italian, pr?ss 3.
    • For M?xican, pr?ss 4.
  • Pr?ss 1 for a n?w r?s?rvation, canc?lation and to mak? chang?s to th? booking.
  • You may pr?ss 2 for h?lp with a lost or damag?d baggag?.
  • Pr?ss 3 to fil? a complaint/ r?qu?st a r?fund.
  • Pr?ss 5 to g?t updat?s on th? lat?st d?als and discounts.
  • You may pr?ss 8 to sp?ak with a custom?r s?rvic? ag?nt.

Onc? you ar? conn?ct?d, you n??d to giv? th? d?tails of th? flight, and th? r?pr?s?ntativ? will r?tri?v? th? booking and canc?l it on your b?half. You will g?t an ?mail with an updat? on th? status of th? r?fund.

Th? information can b? us?d to g?t your mon?y back. For h?lp with any oth?r qu?ry r?lat?d to trav?l, you can call th? custom?r s?rvic? numb?r or us? th? official w?bsit?. Th? numb?r will r?main op?rational round th? clock throughout th? w??k so that your trip is m?morabl?.

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